The most important thing to us is being surrounded by friends and family. There are few things better in life than good company and fond memories... Why else invite you all out to celebrate our marriage at I Nonni's (The Grandparents') house in Italy.
That so many of you are able to come is the best gift of all! And so, we would rather people didn't give us anything else.
If, however, you insist, then a small donation towards our honeymoon plans would be very gratefully received.
Having never been to South America, it's a part of the world that has been on both our wish lists for quite a while. The Incas in particular have held a mystical place in our minds.
Our dream is to do a 4 day trek up a mountain to just short of 8,000 ft. Following the ancient trail to the abandoned ruins of Machu Pachu.
We think it would be an amazing adventure.
This trip may have to be a parent's only occasion. Otherwise, Dom is worried he'll end up carrying the tent, sleeping bags, supplies and two little ladies on his back... All that training has to be good for something!
Donations can be made by cheque or bank transfer.
Please add your name as a reference so we can be
sure to thank you in person!
D. Dumaresq
Bank Identifier Code
Thank you
Mimi & Dom x